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7180 Nolensville Rd Suite 2A, Nolensville, TN 37135
Ph: +1.629.277.0972

Our Process

The Facts

Laser tattoo removal is the best and safest method to ensure virtually no damage or scarring.

Our Process

The consultation & pre-care instructions

During your 15 minute consultation with our registered nurse and certified laser tattoo removal specialist, we will outline a detailed plan using the Q-switch, FDA Approve, Astanza Duality and Eternity laser systems that targets the pigment of your skin. The characteristics of your tattoo determine how many sessions you’ll need to remove it. The age and coloring of your tattoo, as well as its size and location on your body, all make a difference. For example, blacks and blues are fairly simple for a technician to remove, while turquoise and other light greens are more difficult. Even your lifestyle and physical health effects the amount of sessions it may take. During our consultation, Remove It will create a custom and unique plan of attack, an estimate of how many sessions it may take to remove or fade your tattoo, and the lowest price possible.

Our Process

The sessions

At Remove It, the average client typically requires three to seven sessions scheduled eight to twelve weeks apart to completely fade or remove unwanted tattoos. These sessions last between 25 – 60 minutes, and include client education, health screening, numbing procedures, and treatment site dressing. If we target specific portions of a tattoo vs. the entire tattoo, the session could last longer to increase precision and improve the removal outcome. Tattoos have multiple layers of ink stacked on each other within the layers of your skin. Because the ink is so thickly concentrated, the pigment parts cannot be completely broken down in a single session.

Does it hurt?

There are several things we do to reduce discomfort. Most people claim that the removal process is comparable to getting a tattoo. Of course, the location and size of the tattoo can effect the amount of discomfort one might feel. 

Our Process


Just as important as getting your tattoo removed by a Remove It specialist is how you treat your skin after the procedure. At Remove It, we ensure safe and effective treatment long after your in-office sessions. After all, tattoo removal aftercare is essential for achieving the best results. Thus, Remove It will provide you with top of the line products to treat the cured area with detailed instructions and follow ups to ensure a truly thorough experience.

Ready to start your journey?

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Our Process

Will this treatment method remove my tattoo effectively?

As with any treatment method, the efficacy of laser tattoo removal depends on circumstances unique to you. However, we will tailor a treatment plan that will work for you.


Remember, the number of sessions you need to eradicate your tattoo depends on several factors, including the tattoo's color, density, and size. Nonetheless, even if one session will not remove the unwanted tattoo, your lymphatic system gets to work immediately, flushing away the broken-down pigments. Ergo, after your first session, you will see an improvement in just a few short weeks.

How many sessions will I need to achieve my desired results?

We can give you a good idea of how many sessions you will need to remove your unwanted tattoo entirely during your initial consultation. Remove It cannot in good conscience guarantee that every tattoo will achieve a 100% removed result. The average tattoo can be removed within five and eight laser sessions. Dark or black tattoos that have been around for a decade or two may only require three or four removal sessions. New, dense, fluorescent tattoos may take 10 or more treatment sessions before full or near-full removal is possible.

What do I need to do before I show up for my first treatment?

The preparation for laser treatment is relatively straightforward.

  1. Be excited. You are taking the first step to becoming the person you really want to be. At RemoveIt, we feel that the laser treatment is only a portion of the process of removal or fading. You got to this point on purpose. You should be proud of yourself. 
  2. Know your medical history, and the medications you are taking.  The laser technician or nurse will ask you about your medical history to make sure the procedure remains safe for you.  For instance, antibiotics can help you fight infection but more than likely will make your skin more photosensitive or hypersensitive to light.  Meaning, your skin will absorb more of the laser’s powerful light through the melenin in your skin and could cause serious side effects.  Wait until you are off of your antibiotics for at least two weeks before coming in for your first or subsequent treatments. 
  3. Avoid sun exposure.  You will find that for most skin types, sun exposure will be the main problem that increases your risk for complications (eg, blistering, dyspigmentation, and scarring).  This applies to tanning beds, artificial tanning, tanning creams or any other additional layer between your natural skin and the laser’s light source. Use a mineral type, zinc based sunscreen on your skin for best sun protection and it is an overall healthier sunscreen product.  RemoveIt stocks many options for sunscreen available for aftercare. 
  4. Understand the risks associated with laser tattoo removal.  The most common adverse effects of Q-switched laser treatments include blister formation, bleeding, infection, and scarring.  While some of these adverse effects are very normal, such as blister formation, you should be aware of the potiential issues associated with ALL laser tattoo removal procedures.  These side effects are not specific to RemoveIt but to all providers of laser tattoo removal procedures.  RemoveIt will be here to ensure your risk for adverse effects are minimal.
  5. RemoveIt is unable to treat any skin type if you have recently been on antibiotics in the last 14 days or Accutane for the last 6(six) months. Pregnant, breastfeeding, or recent sun exposure.  Please inform the RemoveIt staff of any changes in your health or daily medications. 
What are the possible side effects to laser tattoo treatment?

Getting laser tattoo removal doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have no side effects during the process, but symptoms will be minor and less uncomfortable compared to other tattoo removal methods. Luckily, they’re also not permanent. Common side effects of laser removal include:

  • Blistering: This issue often occurs because the laser heats up blood vessels and causes them to break. These blisters are usually superficial, contain water and ink and heal within three to 14 days.
  • Scabbing: Like blistering, scabs contain the tattoo ink particles, forming within eight hours to three days after your session. Fortunately, they’ll heal in about two weeks.
  • Itching: Itchiness is a sign that the body is healing, as itching is your body’s immune system targeting a weakened area. It’s best to avoid scratching the spot. Consult your technician for advice.
  • Frosting: While the white foam coming from your tattoo looks odd, it’s a result of the heat from the laser penetration releasing carbon dioxide from your skin.
  • Swelling: Heat can sometimes cause swelling that will go back down once your body’s immune system realizes there’s no danger.
  • Scarring: Scarring is a very uncommon side effect, only appearing in less than two percent of patients receiving laser tattoo removal. Always follow the aftercare advice of your technician. Drink plenty of water, avoid direct sunlight and get lots of sleep to prevent scarring.
  • Hyper and hypopigmentation: Both hyper and hypopigmentation are the result of skin changing color and can often occur as a consequence of an inexperienced technician. Hyperpigmentation is excess melanin formation and found in patients with a medium skin tone. Luckily, it will heal over time. Hypopigmentation is the lightening of the skin and may take longer to heal, but can be reversed by following aftercare instructions.

To help control and prevent these potential side effects, RemoveIt uses a Cryo 6 -30 chilling device, and medical grade colpak ice packs to cool and numb the area before, during and after each session so that you have little to no discomfort.

How do I reduce pain, and prevent side-effects and scars?

Tattoos are a wonderful way to express yourself. This form of body art is so popular that over 100 million Americans, regardless of age, have at least one tattoo. One study found approximately 23 percent of people who get tattoos regret the decision.

Why do people change their minds?

  • The tattoo might no longer hold the same emotional significance it did when you first got it.
  • Maybe the quality of the artwork is not what you expected, or perhaps the quality did not age well.
  • You could feel your personality or circumstances have changed, and the tattoo no longer reflects who you are.
  • Although taboos around tattoos are changing, you might be concerned about how the ink might affect your professional life.

Whatever the reason you are no longer happy with your tattoo, you do not have to live the rest of your life with it on your skin. Successful tattoo removal is a viable option. 

The current standard for tattoo removal is laser treatment. The most common type of laser treatment uses equipment called the Q-switched laser, which pulses light rapidly to dissolve the tattoo pigments without serious side effects.

Tattoo removal sessions typically last between 25-60 minutes. How many sessions it takes to remove a tattoo varies on its size, location, and coloration, but generally, three to seven sessions scheduled two to three months apart will ensure the complete removal of a tattoo.

While laser tattoo removal treatment has minimal risks, knowing proper tattoo removal aftercare is important.

What to Expect from Day 1 to Weeks After Tattoo Removal

To give you a better idea of how to follow the aftercare routine we think it will be helpful to have an understanding of what to expect from your skin throughout the removal process. Here’s a rough timeline:

  • Immediately after treatment. The treated area will typically turn to a frosty white; caused by the release of carbon dioxide as the laser penetrates the skin and it’s totally normal.
  • 8-72 hours after treatment. The treated area begins to peel or blister. Scabs and crust may also develop during this time.
  • 1-2 weeks after treatment. Healing time will vary depending on the location of the tattoo, but all blistering, scabs and other signs of irritation should fully subside.
  • 4-6 weeks after treatment. The treated area should be fully healed, and you’re ready for the next session (if necessary).

During this timeline, you will most likely experience:

  • Discomfort. The laser tattoo removal process will not be painless. However, with our extensive experience, we have developed a unique numbing technique that prepares the upper layers of skin. This method is very safe and is localized to the treated area only.By going through the process ourselves, that’s how we figured out this numbing technique. With the experience and training that we have, we will make each treatment as comfortable and quick as possible.After treatment, you may experience a few uncomfortable laser tattoo removal side effects such as redness, blistering, swelling, scabbing, itching and small amounts of bleeding.

    These minor symptoms will likely only last a few days after each treatment.

    In the interim, you can soothe the discomfort with an ice pack. You may notice the blisters will lead to skin peeling that can last up to two weeks after a laser treatment session.

    You’ll need to wait 6-8 weeks between each session to allow your body to dispose of the tattoo ink the laser has dissolved. This time frame will be determined when we are checking you out and scheduling your follow up appointment.

  • Skin Discoloration. You will likely notice some temporary skin coloration during the laser tattoo removal healing process. As the laser breaks up the ink, the upper layer of your skin will likely turn a shade of white. This side effect is known as "frosting" or "snow" and will change during the recovery process between treatment sessions. Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are other potential side effects to keep in mind.

    Hyperpigmentation is a darkening of the skin. The laser’s pulses of light waves can affect the natural color of your skin. People with darker skin tones are more likely to experience hyperpigmentation.

    Hypopigmentation is a lightening of the skin’s natural color, a side effect more common in people with lighter skin tones.

    In most cases, the skin will return to its natural color within six months to a year following your final treatment, but it is possible for hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation to be permanent.

  • Expectations. It is important to manage your expectations during the recovery and healing process. Laser tattoo removal is an effective treatment, but the results are sometimes imperfect. The type of ink in your tattoo, size, and location can mean varying results. For example, the black color on lighter skin is typically very easy to remove. On the other hand, green and purple ink can be very difficult to remove from any skin tone. Larger tattoos will take longer to remove, and the larger surface area may make it more difficult to remove the tattoo completely.

    You should also know tattoos located farther down on your arms and legs may be more difficult to remove completely. The farther away from your heart, the lesser the circulation.

    Tattoos removed from areas like the ankle may also take longer to recover due to circulation issues. Your tattoo will be gone or nearly gone after you complete your sessions, but the results will vary.

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